Review of the supervisor at the final qualifying work 6 students of the Faculty of psychology, St. Petersburg State University Mariayanenko Elizabeth Alexandrovna Thesis: "COPING STRATEGIES AND RISK FACTORS of SOMATIC DISADAPTATION UNDEPARTMENTAL SECURITY STAFF" In a research paper E.A.Mariayanenko analyzed domestic and translated foreign literature by independently selected student topic. A good scientific language describes the main problems of adaptation to the specific activities of the Department of conservation. The work consists of a table of contents, introduction, justification of the relevance of research; contains a literature review, description of methods, the results of the pilot study, the findings, conclusions and applications, annotations work on Russian and English languages. In the list of references listed 115 sources in Russian and foreign languages. As a result of analyzing literature E.A.Mariayanenko puts forward hypotheses about factors affecting somatic adaptation of police officers. Sample of examinees and methods adequate to the stated topic. To process the results of the methods of mathematical statistics is used correctly. In general, a thesis E.A.Mariayanenko. distinguishes structure and clarity. During the work the student has shown independence, initiative, good ability to analyse. The practical significance of the work of non-fiction is that you have risk factors for somatic disadaptation undepartmental security officers. Research data can be used when implementing psychological assistance individual employee, and in General, to develop programmes of psychological accompaniment of police officers, for the detection and prevention of professional deformation and burnout. E.A.Mariayanenko showed in a study of the ability to synthesize and organize the psychological knowledge on the issue, a desire to consider the facts fully received, interest in the work. Supervisor: FS. h., Assistant Professor of psychology of crisis and extreme situations SPbSU May 29, 2017 year A.M.Yalov