The review of the scientific adviser, Professor V.A. Zinserling on Graduate qualification (Diploma) work оf student Perminova Anastasia ON THE THEME: "Immunohistochemical characteristics of neurogenesis in fetal brain" Anastasia Perminova`s graduate qualification work is devoted to an interesting, complicated and still insufficiently studied topic "neurogenesis in fetal brain". The author independently developed the research design in detail, analyzed the literature, carried out the morphometric studies, carried out the statistical processing of the the obtained data and made the conclusions. A literature review, based on 234 literary sources, mainly in the English language of recent years, meets the requirements usually imposed on candidate dissertations. For the scientific work, good knowledge of English and German turned out to be very useful.The confident mastership of Anastasia Perminova's technique of microscopy, photography and morphometric programs should be noted. She is well versed in both technological and essential aspects of the complex problem of neurogenesis. The conclusions are formulated by Anastasia Perminova independently and indicate that the author received new and interesting results. All this allows us to appreciate the work highly and note that it can form the basis of a good dissertational research. scientific adviser Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor V.A. Zinserling