OPINION for final qualifying work of student 609 groups of the medical faculty of St. Petersburg state University (direction "medicine") Vishnyakovoy Helena "Features of articular syndrome in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2". The work of Vishnjakovoj H. is dedicated to the important issue of the endocrinology and rheumatology is enough to study the peculiarities of articular syndrome in patients with type 2 diabetes and its compensation on the gravity of the structural changes in joints and symptoms. The content and structure of the WRC comply with the stated in the topic title. The paper presents an overview of scientific works of researchers from different countries on this topic. In this work used modern statistical methods. The results of the study were presented by the author at the conference: Basic science and clinical medicine: XX biomedical international conference of young researchers. St. Petersburg, 2017. The purpose, object, subject and objectives of the study are clearly formulated and consistent theme. The work is written in good scientific language, has a practical significance in the diagnosis of articular syndrome in patients with diabetes type 2. The work is commendable. Supervisor, head of Department of faculty therapy of medical faculty Saint-Petersburg state University, MD, Prof. and Shishkin A.N.