DETAILED SUPERVISOR ABOUT FINAL QUALIFICATION WORK FOR A BACHELOR'S DEGREE BY DIRECTION 030300 - PSYCHOLOGY SHABANOVA MARIA ALEXANDROVNA ON THE TOPIC: FEATURES OF MENTAL SELF-REGULATION IN ATHLETES WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF INTELLIGENCE M.A. Shabanova started graduation qualification work in September 2016. She actively joined the work: read a lot, developed the design of the study, prepared a diagnostic tool. In the process of MA. Shabanova showed great enthusiasm for scientific work, good organization and great diligence. During the research, the author demonstrated: - a high level of erudition in the field of psychology; - the ability to select research methods that are adequate to the tasks of the research, carry out diagnostics and interpret the data obtained; - good skills in applying methods of mathematical statistics; - a good literary language and the ability to perform high-quality scientific illustrations. Research MA. Shabanova conducted with all the methodological requirements and rules of registration. At each stage of the study, the author showed diligence and responsibility. According to the results of the study, M.A. Shabanova made a scientific report "The development of intelligence and self-regulation of the mental activity of athletes" at the International Conference Psychology of the XXI century (2016, Section "Sports Psychology"). She became the winner of the nomination "The usefulness of research for man and society". On the topic of research MA. Shabanova published an article in the collection of the International Conference Psychology of the XXI century. In addition, as a winner of the nomination, she received a recommendation from the Organizing Committee for the publication of the article in the Bulletin of SPbSU, Ser. 16. "Psychological Sciences." M.A. Shabanova has a high level of preparedness for scientific and practical work, deserves the appropriation of the degree of "Bachelor of Psychology" and can be recommended for training in a magistracy. Supervisor: Associate Professor A.E. Loviagina