REVIEW For final qualifying work of the student of St. Petersburg State University Shabanova Maria Alexandrovna On the topic "Features of mental self-regulation in athletes with different levels of intellect" Graduation qualification MA. Shabanova is devoted to the actual practical and significant theoretical topic of revealing the interrelations between the indicators of intelligence and psychic self-regulation. The scientific novelty of this work is determined by the fact that in it for the first time the interdependence of the characteristics of intellect and self-regulation is studied using the example of sports activity. The structure of the final qualification work corresponds to the objectives of the study and includes: an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, conclusion, list of references and annexes. The first chapter presents a detailed literature review on the research topic. Drawing on domestic and foreign works, the author describes the concept of self-regulation and methods of self-regulation in sports, considers the theory of intelligence, analyzes the literature data on the role of intelligence in sports activities. The literary review presents classical and modern works. Concluding the first chapter, the author summarizes the literature data in the form of a summary. The second chapter describes in detail the methods and techniques, sampling, stages and procedure of research, as well as methods of mathematical data processing. The organization of research corresponds to the tasks. The choice of diagnostic tools and methods of processing is justified. The third chapter presents the results of the study and their interpretation. The author subsequently analyzes the characteristics of self-regulation (the style of self-regulation, the methods of self-regulation in sports activities and the attitude toward improving these techniques) among athletes who differ in their level of intelligence. The results obtained by the author are presented in the form of tables (7) and figures (4), performed correctly and providing visual clarity. Conclusions correspond to the tasks of the study, are well founded and clearly formulated. The list of references contains 52 items, of which 9 in English. The content of the graduation qualification MA. Shabanova corresponds to the title stated in the title. The research topic is completely Is disclosed. The work is written in good literary language. The author demonstrates the clarity and consistency of presentation and the ability to correctly illustrate the results. Despite the general positive impression of the work, I wanted to make the following comments: 1) In the first chapter references to literature are given in figures, and the names of authors are not indicated, as is customary in student graduation works. With this approach it is difficult to quickly understand what works the author refers to (since one must constantly look at the list of literature at the end of the WRC). 2) The work studies the style and techniques of self-regulation, as well as the attitude of athletes to the improvement of self-regulation techniques. However, the author does not substantiate in the text why, in addition to the techniques and style of self-regulation, it is necessary to study the attitude of athletes towards improving the methods of self-regulation. Undoubtedly, from the point of view of psychological help, accounting for relationships is important - because It is not enough to have an idea of what style of self-regulation the athlete has and what methods of self-regulation he uses. (To optimize self-regulation, a positive attitude is necessary to improving the methods of self-action.) But, all this should be reflected in the summary of the first chapter, adding to its paragraph about the relationship. 3) The author obtained interesting results on the basis of which it would be desirable to formulate practical recommendations. The comments formulated do not reduce the overall positive impression of the work, are related to the design and are of a recommendatory nature. CONCLUSION: graduation qualification MA. Shabanova "Peculiarities of psychic self-regulation in athletes with different levels of intelligence" fully meets the requirements for qualification works and deserves an "excellent" rating. Reviewer: Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychological Support professional activity N.Е. Vodopyanova