ОТЗЫВ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЯ на выпускную квалификационную работу бакалавра дизайна студента кафедры “Дизайн” Колосова Евгения Николаевича Тема работы: «Разработка печатного издания на тему современного дизайна» Руководитель: Азарян Вероника Александровна Diploma project "Designing a printed edition on contemporary design" (creating a multi-page magazine "Burg." сovering interesting projects, personalities and opinions devoted to modern design) has been made completely by Evgeniy Kolosov on established time. The project includes a multi-page magazine, two covers for the next issues and the prototype site. The main idea of the project is a fundamental rethinking of a printed publication in the digital age, also printed edition should serve as a stylistic basis for the development of other areas with the same idea. Evgeniy has successfully completed the following tasks such as usage of new techniques of page layout, preserve a convenience of reading and information perception, integrating new technologies into printing source, set non-classical basic layout elements, set out his own graphic language. The magazine should become a collectible object for the reader, like the "artifact of materiality", for such perception were used a variety of papers, insert systems and combinations of printing methods. Evgeniy works great with color, composition and typography. He is a very diligent and responsible person. Working on the project, he has made decisions by himself, he has used design-project development rules, and also, has shown an excellent possession of all the necessary graphic programs. Evgeniy is a creative author. Научный руководитель: Азарян Вероника Александровна 30 мая 2017