Review of the supervisor of the Master thesis by E. Tashtan «Russian prefixed verbs of motion and their equivalents in Turkish language» My joint work with E. Tashtan started in June, 2016 after the emiritation of his first supervisor, Ass. Prof. A.L. Mirecky who had formulated the title of the thesis and helped in the first stage of its preparation. We did not change the research question and the framework of the study. It is due to Prof. A.L. Mirecky that Enes got acquainted with the history of the investigation of verbs of motion in Russian grammatical tradition, starting from M.V. Lomonossov. Our investigation this year was mostly concentrated on typological aspects of the study and on the practical analysis of parallel texts. Our scientific interaction was regular and stable from the very beginning. Enes came to my consultation once or even twice a week, showed the data that he examined and the written text that we checked and discussed together and elabotrated the direction of future analysis. Working with him was a real pleasure: he demonstrated a real diligence, devotion and scientific interest being always ready to joint work, contact and new activities. He has prepared two papers for the XX Open Student Philological Conference at the section of Russian grammar (17-21 April, 2017) and for the International Scientific Conference of the Chair of Turkic Philology «XIX Ivanov Readings» (19 May, 2017). Preparing of these papers was very tiresome for Enes who is not a native speaker of Russian. In sum, I was very happy with his work and wish him much success during the defence of his dissertation and in his further scientific work. Dr. Phil. Professor of the Chair of Russian Language M.D. Voeikova