As a scientific supervisor, I have worked with Anna Samokrutova on the above mentioned topic since October 2015. In general, I would evaluate her work on the MA thesis as very good. During the whole period of our common work she showed a great interest in the issues of the mass media discourses in general and reflection of the current mutual sanctions in Russia and the EU countries in particular. She has been very motivated and really interested in the topic, what was demonstrated during her formulation of the topic, empirical study, my consultations as well as during the courses the other professors and I taught in the MA programme. The topic of the presented thesis is without doubt very important, since a significance of mutual sanctions including Russian food embargo, understanding of their reasons, interpretation and reflections in discourses in different countries is needed for better understanding of the current EU-Russia relations. Especially important are the questions of discourses construction in the mass media, which at the same time reflect and cause the perceptions of Russia and its policies in the corresponding societies. Since Russia is in the last years is in the strong confrontation with the EU countries, it is very interesting and important to understand the nature and the consequences of this political confrontation. Therefore, it is obviously very important and interesting topic for the research. The structure of the thesis is closely connected with the research logic and involves theoretical background and analysis of empirical data on its basis. After the theoretical deliberations on social constructivism and discourse construction as well as media theories relevant for the research questions, Anna formulates some theoretically based research questions on the discourse structures and mechanisms of these constructions, which are then tested on the basis of empirical data. In the empirical part of the thesis, Anna analyses very carefully and methodologically founded the materials of the selected mass media from the selected countries: Russia, UK, Germany and Estonia. This analysis is very valuable, because all the relevant articles presented in the selected mass media were analysed on the basis of the same methodology, with the finding the structure, main elements and their relationships in each text. As result, due to this empirical study, she formulates very interesting conclusions, which contribute to the better understanding of both the current EU-Russia relations and to the mechanisms of discourse building in the contemporary mass media in general. The empirical research should be considered as an important advantage of the presented work. In general, the study presented in the MA paper contents all necessary elements of a research. Her conclusions about the mechanisms of the discourse building are very important both for academic and practical fields. From my experience of working with Anna Samokrutova, I can conclude that she is very motivated and qualified young scholar. She has good professional skills, is ready and able to work on her own and is quite well versed in the contemporary academic and practical literature in her field of studies and related topics. Taking into account all mentioned aspects, I believe that the MA thesis presented by Anna Samokrutova meets all requirements for an MA thesis and can be considered as excellent.