LETTER OF REFEERENCE On MA thesis of Alexandr Bugrovskii Student of MA programme “Studies in European Societies”, Department of Sociology, Saint-Petersburg State University MA thesis “Patterns of interaction between NGOs working with disabled people and state authorities in the context of austerity policy: case study of Russia and Finland” I have known Alexandr Bugrovskii from the beginning of his studying at the MA programme “Studies in European Societies”. He became interested in studying interactions between the state and NGOs working in the social sphere. This issue has been widely discussed with the crisis of the welfare states and cuts in social spending during the neoliberal reforms that have taken place since the end of the 20th century. There are radical changes in production and reproduction modes as well as in the state regulation due to the third wave of marketization. Before the state was an instrument of non-capitalist regulation. Now, the state promotes profit-oriented activities. It effects relations with NGOs historically made significant input into the decommodification and in solving social issues. Taking into account the most interesting point of the interplay between states and NGOs, namely, contradictions between social aims and profit-oriented activities, Mr. Bugrovskii considers ways to address them. It is the topical issue among social scientists so far there is no clear answer as to ensure the growth of social capital, to solve social problems and to overcome social inequality. Moreover the topic coincided with one of the areas of my current research project. It was a possibility to develop some ideas, argumentations and findings in mutual collaboration. Mr. Bugrovskii researches four types of interactions based on two axes of interests and practices of solidarities. The MA research is designed to analyze alternative institutional arrangements in which economic interests are subordinated to social ones. The comparative case-study was realized in Finland and Russia. Two cases have been selected in accordance with specific criteria suitable for the present MA research. The meaningful empirical data was collected during the empirical stage of the study. The comparative analysis of the cases conducted on the basis of the indicators of social capital (social mission, common interests and high level of trust) as well as on the indicators of its institutional arrangements (organizational structures, (in) formal rules and density of networks). In general I would like to conclude that Mr. Bugrovskii has conducted the original comparative research, he could collect rich information on the topic and present abilities to pose and solve research questions. As a scientific leader I would like to stress his practical-oriented skills, i.e. abilities to mobilize theoretical knowledge of the programme and to concentrate it on the reflection of the situation or problem under an analysis. I consider that the paper presented by Alexandr Bugrovskii meets requirement for an MA thesis and deserves the highest mark. Scientific supervisor, Docent of Chair of Comparative Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University Dr. S.S. Yaroshenko