Artyushenko Ekaterina Alexandrovna "COMMUNICATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR ADAPTATION OF PEOPLE WHO SUFFERING AUTISM: DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERNET RESOURCE" Ekaterina Artyushenko chose the most complicated topic for her work. The topic touches upon acute social issues, which the society must solve in the near future. The foundation for which the work was done, solves them by practical means, supports, educates and adapts autistics. However, to improve the situation of autistics, it is necessary to change the attitude of society towards them. It was an ambitious professional task to offer a solution to these issues by means of communicative design. The work was not rhythmic, as there were significant difficulties at the stage of setting tasks and getting jobs from the client. However, these moments were corrected at the next stages. The complexity of the development was that it was important to use the graphic and text material created by the trustees of the foundation, and not make a new one. For an ambitious student, this task is always a difficult test, because the designer's work in this case is very thin and not so clearly visible. However, Catherine was not afraid of these difficulties and successfully overcame most of the way. At the moment, the revision of the text component and the animation collection of the prototype are recommended. After completing all the comments, the work can be recommended for submission to the State Attestation Commission. Senior teacher of design department Driga Anna Alexandrovna