OPINION The scientific adviser of the final qualification work of the student of a magistracy of the state University of Mickiewicz, Pavel Andreevich on the topic "Sovereignty and sovereignty in the history of European identity." The theme chosen by Mickiewicz, P. A. for final qualifying work is of great scientific and theoretical and applied interest. Although the subject of sovereignty is the subject of theoretical debate for over a hundred years, according to the present philosophically representative studies, not so much. This is partly due to the positivist orientation of contemporary philosophy, and partly the direct involvement of researchers in the subject of your interest, narrowing the issues to private plots. In such a situation it is important to choose a research strategy that would facilitate the methodological distancing of the object, actualizarea subject field so that its content would illuminate the essential content of the object itself. In their work, Mitskevich P. A. made such an attempt, comparing the category of sovereignty to the category of sovereignty in the perspective of their historical relatedness. The idea of the study was to show how in the history of civilization novoyavorovskoe self-awareness of personal sovereignty led to the actualization of political sovereignty in the format of civil society and legal state. This topic is a global problem, and therefore could not be solved within the master's study. But P. A. Mickiewicz in General fall exactly introduced the problem and have actually identified the main methodological ways of solving it. In my opinion this is a worthy result of his two years of work and a good basis for further research in this direction. In the course of dissertation work of P. A. Markevich demonstrated academic integrity in the solving of problems, independence and organization. I believe that his work can be evaluated as "excellent". Doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor of social philosophy and the philosophy of history, SPbSU A. M. Sokolov