Opinion for final qualifying work student of the sixth course of the Institute of philosophy, SPbSU Shemshurova Daniel S. "the Historical and philosophical background of the idea of European integration." The work is written on the current topic. Modern integration processes are largely connected with the search peoples of their identity that affects the solution of many issues of regional and international integration, carrying out the immigration policy, combating terrorism, etc. In this context, the important place occupies the problem of European integration, as historically European countries were in the midst of many integration processes in the Eurasian space. The purpose of the study D. S. Shemshurova is to study the historical-philosophical presuppositions of the idea of European integration and the study of modern problems in its socio-political implementation. The work is based on the analysis of a large array of historical and philosophical literature, contemporary studies on this issue thoroughly and carefully crafted by the author. In the first Chapter of D. S. Shamshurov examines in depth the Genesis of the idea of eternal peace in the context of the formation of the ideology of Europeanism. Conducting a specific analysis of the works of European thinkers William Penn, Saint-Pierre, Rousseau, Kant, Fichte etc. the author reveals the universal and specific characteristics of the idea of eternal peace in connection with the development of the principle and values of Europeanism, the desire to create pan-European political and legal order. In this regard, in particular, is considered and the concept of utilitarianism J. Bentham, D. S. mill, and organicism K. Krause. In the second Chapter the author specifically analyzes the problem of forming a European identity in connection with the political practice of the European identity, the emergence of the opposition of the Europeans to the Other. Analyzes the concept of the writings of herder, Saint-Simon, Diderot, Montesquieu, Condorcet. Revealed structural specificity of European identification in connection with the attitude of Europeans to other peoples interest is traced by the author of the communication is the formation of a European identity with the conduct of the colonial policy of European States, and the emergence of the science of anthropology. The third Chapter examines the socio-cultural foundations and perspectives of European integration, examines the concept of multiculturalism, national and supranational aspects of the idea of Europeanism, European communication and civil society. Analyzes the work of J. Habermas, A. Giddens, E. Cassirer, K. Schmitt, J. Derrida, M. P. Hardt and Negri, well-known Russian scientists V. D. Zorkin, N. Motroshilova, B. V. Markov, etc. On the basis of the conducted analysis the author reveals the complexity and inconsistency of the implementation of the idea of European integration in a global world, that it is necessary to take into account when conducting regional and international politics. We can agree with the conclusion of the author about the feasibility of building a United Europe through the establishment of a communicative connection between equal rights and freedoms by civil society actors. This approach allows us to form a common European identity with respect to the inclusion in this process of representatives of all inhabiting the European continent cultures, it requires to provide them the opportunity for effective dialogue on this topic. Thus, the main objectives and tasks of work performed. D. S. Shamshurov has done much useful work, it is quite self-exploratory. Work is checked for plagiarism and showed that the text of the original WRC, and 12 per cent of the borrowings relate to the names of the works. Final qualifying work of D. S. Shemshurova deserves an excellent rating, and the student may be recommended to graduate school to continue his scientific work. 16 may 2017 Doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor the Department of history of philosophy I. D. Osipov