Review of the graduation thesis "The comparison of systems of verbs of movement in Portuguese and Spanish" carried out by a second year student of the Master program "Theory and History of the Language and Languages of Nations of Europe" Anastacia Alexandrovna Kuzmina The graduation thesis "The comparison of systems of verbs of movement in Portuguese and Spanish" carried out by a second year student of the Master program "Theory and History of the Language and Languages of Nations of Europe» Anastacia Kuzmina is dedicated to the investigation of the group of verbs of movement in two modern Ibero-Romance languages, Portuguese and Spanish, and is expedient according to the following characteristics. 1) The author of the thesis under study fulfills her investigation within the framewok of contrastive comparison of main lexical and grammatical classes connected with functioning of verb grammatical category which in modern Ibero-Romance Philology has not been studied fully. 2) As it is known, being one of the main aspect of modern general linguistics, contrastive studies of languages constitute a significant aspect of the didactic methodology, the aim of which is to achieve progress in the teaching of foreign languages, which is supposed to be based either on native language or on the first foreign language. Such is indeed the case of studying Portuguese in most occasions attempted by the students who already speak Spanish, what is emphasized in the research work "The comparison of systems of verbs of movement in Portuguese and Spanish". 3) In already existing contrastive research works on Ibero-Romance languages the emphasis usually falls on minor, not significant peculiarities of the languages under study. A distinctive feature of the work "Comparison of systems of verbs of movement in Portuguese and Spanish" is the attention to the structural and semantic features of the verbal component of Portuguese and Spanish as to the basic characteristic of a simple sentence, expressed in the form of a predicative-argumental structure capable of revealing complex dynamics of subject-object relations, which leads to the implementation of the category of predicativity. The graduation thesis "The comparison of systems of verbs of movement in Portuguese and Spanish» can undoubtedly be recommended for the presentation. Professor of the Department of Romance Philology of St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Letters M. V. Zelikov