REFERENCE The supervisor of the student of the 2-day full-time course Petrova Darya Konstantinovna The thesis "Social representations of the daughters-in-law and the mother-in-law about their relationships" is devoted to a topic that is of undoubted interest both for psychologists and for many people who are trying to improve family relations. At the present time, empirical studies on the topic of their own kindred relations in psychological science are very rare. In his work, D.K. Petrova considers a number of important aspects of the interpersonal relations between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law. Many aspects of these relationships are very emotionally saturated, often hidden from prying eyes and ears. Therefore, the study of ideas about relationships in the mother-in-law dyad-daughter-in-law is rather difficult to study. The graduate showed great perseverance in scientific work, managed to develop an original questionnaire to study the ideas about the real and desired qualities of a partner in family communication, to plan an empirical study, and independently conduct a thorough analysis of the collected data. During the execution of the thesis, D.K. Petrova showed initiative and thoughtfulness. The graduate showed all the qualities necessary for a psychologist-researcher in studying a difficult psychological problem. I think that the graduation qualification work of Petrova Daria Konstantinovna deserves an excellent assessment. May 24, 2017 Professor of the Department of Social Psychology L.V. Kulikov