Scientific supervisor’ review on the final qualification work for the degree of Master of Linguistics by Yulia Nikolaevna Gavryutina on the topic: “Comparative Analysis of the Political Discourse in France and Russia”. The master's thesis of Ms Gavryutina is devoted to an insufficiently studied topic of great current interest - a comparative analysis of the political discourse on the European migration crisis of 2015-2017 in France and in Russia. This analysis is carried out by the author on the example of the emotional and evaluative vocabulary in mass media texts and in speeches of the leading politicians in France and in Russia, in which their political preferences are clearly expressed. The novelty of the study and its theoretical and practical significance are the identification and definition of specific national features of political discourse in France and in Russia. Of special interest is the research of the so-called politically correct language in the French media in relation to immigrants. The linguistic portraits of representatives of various French political parties such as the leader of the National Front Marine Le Pen, some French socialists, the centrist E. Macron, the Russian President V. V. Putin and the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, M.V. Zakharova are also very interesting. Ms Gavryutina demonstrated independence in her choice of topic and in her work. She analyzed theoretical literature on the topic (about 50 articles and monographs in Russian and foreign languages, reflecting various approaches to the study of discourse in general and political one in particular), and researched a large number of political texts (over 30 sources). The thesis has a clear logical structure. The final qualification work of Ms Gavryutina is a complete, independent research that meets all the requirements for master's theses, and deserves a positive evaluation. Scientific supervisor, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the French Language Department S.V. Vlasov