Relevance. The concept of organokins is one of the most promising emerging areas of physiology and pathophysiology. Relationships of organokins as regulators of local originwith systemic regulatory and metabolic parameters are of great interest for fundamental concepts of regulatory patterns of healthy and diseased organism, especially in view of the rule of the local and systemic balance of autacoid-mediated and neuroendocrine regulatory influences. Myokine studies are of great practical interest for sports medicine and rehabilitation medicine, for the prevention of diseases included in the metabolic syndrome. Dysplasia of connective tissue - one of the most popular destinations of studies in domestic clinical and pathophysiological literature, but despite the large number of works, features and questions of metabolomics and myokine regulation in undifferentiated (NDCTD) and syndromic forms of connective tissue dysplasia remain almost completely unexplored. From all these positions, elected by AY Vasina topic looks highly relevant and seems very important for fundamental and applied medicine. The novelty of the study. The author for the first time characterized content of myokines IL-6 and IL-8 at NDCTD, first studied the metabolomics in adolescents with NDCTD, first traced the correlation of a number of anthropometric, and metabolic bioregulatory parameters in NDCTD. New scientific facts and knowledge obtained by author are essential for clinical Pathophysiology of NDCTD. Previously unknown fact of reduction of interleukin-8 levels during NDCTD was discovered, it may be associated with previously revealed features of the spectrum of cytokines such persons and with increased mobility and extensibility peculiar to the elements of their locomotor apparatus. For the first time AY Vasina identified a relationship between the level of IL-6 in the blood and results of exercise training, that is important for a doctrine of myokine-related redistribution of energetic resources during exercise. The facts of the loss of the correlation levels of IL-6 with a favorable dynamic performance dipidnogo and carbohydrate metabolism, which may be a manifestation of the fundamental mechanisms underlying the previously established comorbidity NDCTD with components of the metabolic syndrome. This allows us to recommend the different modes and volume of motor ativnost for persons with dysplastic and nedisplasticheskimi phenotypes. Detected early waist circumference correlated with arterial blood pressure value, even in preclinical periode.- new scientific fact in favor of the existence of early pathogenetic mechanisms of border teenage hypertension. The degree of validity and reliability of the findings and conclusions. The author correctly picked up and investigated adequately separated contingent, to minimize the impact of not involved in the study factors. The work is preceded by a qualitative obzlor literature justifying the purpose, objectives, relevance and significance of the topic. The study was multivariable and require mastery of modern biochemical and metabolomnymi methods, as well as a large volume of statistical processing, including cross-correlation analysis. This author has successfully completed. Applied methods are adequate to the task. Private data in abundance in the work, succinctly analyzed. The findings and conclusions are well founded, adequately supported by reliable facts found. Assumptions made on the basis of analysis of the literature and our own data is not excessive in hypothetical courage and quite follow from izdlozhennogo. However, registering an extensive continuum of interrelated data, the author has a further opportunity to continue and extend the comparison, increasing the sample that in this study covered a total of 72 subjects. The scientific and practical value of the work. In the domestic literature is very little work on miokinov - especially original, neobzornogo nature. The author has performed pioneering work in its significance in the field of study of connective tissue dysplasia and made a valuable addition to the emerging doctrine of organokinah first linking data miokinah with the doctrine of the constitution of man and its outer border with abnormal variants. Successful author's attempt to link new approaches metabolomics and classical ideas konstitutsionologii also of great pathophysiological value, although the metabolome at NDCTD requires more detailed study, which will enable more specifically isolate emerging in this study the correlation. The practical significance of the work considerable, and it concerns the sphere of sports medicine, medical monitoring of the training process, sports selection, as research links with somatic indicators of self-control muscle bioenergetics and level of fitness. The revealed features of metabolism in adolescents carriers NDCTD are essential to address preventive and predictive tasks Adolescent Medicine. Research Materials AY Vasina discussed at the department and presented at a number of international and national forums. A total of 6 out-of print publications on the study (including 2 articles), as well as in print sent 2 articles, including - in the SCOPUS database log. Thus, the WRC graduate student Yu Vasina "Autacoid and hormonal-related influences and impact of metabolic conditions on fitness in young athletes with different somatotypes@ is an autonomous completed a scientific study carried out on the modern methodological level and sufficient in terms of its material, which led to the production of new knowledge and facts that have a fundamental and applied interest for a number of areas of medicine. In the opinion of the supervisor, this work deserves a positive assessment. Scientific supervisor: Chairman of Pathology Dept St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Medicine Member of the International Academy of Sciences (Health and Environment) Assoc. Prof., Doctor of Medicine, Candidate of Science (Medicine) Leonid P. Churilo