The review of final qualifying work Topic of final qualifying work is The features of the structure and properties of humic horizons of soils Saint-Petersburg. Author is Bulysheva Anna Mikhailovna Institute of Earth sciences (Saint Petersburg State University) Department of soil science and soil ecology Basic educational program «Soil science» Master level Supervisor is Sukhacheva Elena Yuryevna, Institute of Earth sciences, assistant professor, Ph.D. of biology Reviewer: Elena Skvortsova Borisovna, federal state budget scientific institution «Soil science institute. V.V. Dokuchaeva», head of the laboratory of soil physics and soil hydrology, Dr. of agriculture science. Marked dignity of the research work. The author carried out a significant amount of work. The pedo-allochthonous humus horizon properties of large megapolis were characterized in detail for the first time. The thorough analysis of the factual material was held, its reliability was shown. The research work has great practical significance for the purposes of municipal services organization, including gardening works ecological assessment of area. Marked defects of the research work. The principles which functional areas allocated are not indicated. The functional area «along the road» was incorrectly named. Conclusion of reviewer. Final qualifying work «The features of the structure and properties of humic horizons of soils Saint-Petersburg» of Bulysheva A.M. fully complies with the requirements of the final qualifying work. The research work deserves evaluation «excellent».