Comment of Vyacheslav Victorovich Gerasimenko's graduate work "System Resources Usage Minimization in Numerical Modeling of Charged Particle Beam Dynamics" The subject of the work relates to the wide area of investigations conducted at the chair of the theory of electrophysical apparatus control systems under the direction of professor D.A. Ovsyannikov. The radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) acceleration channel considered in the work is electrophysical device with moulded electrodes. To choose geometry of the surface providing best quality of the beam requires a great amount of computations. In view of it, there arose a need to investigate various approaches, which allow to increase efficiency of computations within the bounds of this problem. The task which was posed to V.V. Gerasimenko consisted in analysis of these approaches with the aim of their further making use for beam simulation in the process of optimization. In the process of preparation of the graduate work V.V. Gerasimenko had considered a mathematical model, which can be applied for the beam dynamics description in the optimization process, and had designed a software, which allows to investigate various ways of solving of the problem, mainly using parallel computations. Test computations allowing to compare effieciency of various approaches were carried out. So, one might say that the undergraduate copes with the task. To characterize the work as a whole, it should be noted that the undergraduate had performed a great amount of work, which requires the high-level programming skill. In the process of working on dissertation V.V. Gerasimenko showed his worth as a highly skilled specialist, who is able to solve problems in mathematical physics with using of necessary computing facilities. High level of self-dependency of the undergraduate should be also mentioned. Text of the work makes a good impression. Insufficiently extensive coverage of various ways to increase efficiency is a main disadvantage of the work. But this disadvantage is overriden by the mentioned advantages. Besides, it is more important that the problem is formulated and corresponding investigations are fulfilled. As a result, I regard this work as excellent. Scientific adviser, dr. phys.-math. sci., prof. O.I. Drivotin