SCIENTIFIC ADVISOR’S REFERENCE Program: Master in Management (MIM) Student: Polina Yatsyshina Title of thesis: Factors of distribution network design: evidence from Russian market Justification of the topic choice. Accuracy in defining the aim and objectives of the thesis. Justification of the topic choice; accuracy in defining the aim and tasks of the thesis; originality of the topic and the extent to which it was covered; alignment of the thesis’ topic, aim and objectives. The paper is devoted to a practical and very interesting topic, it is quite original, innovative and interdisciplinary. The topic is justified in the introduction. The objectives generally cover the topic and the aim of the paper. Structure and logic of the text flow. Logic of research; full scope of the thesis; alignment of thesis’ structural parts, i.e. theoretical and empirical parts. The paper has three chapters, introduction and conclusion. Well balanced and coherent structure. Quality of analytical approach and quality of offered solution to the research objectives. Adequacy of objectives coverage; ability to formulate and convey the research problem; ability to offer options for its solution; application of the latest trends in relevant research are for the set objectives. The research problem is quite traditional (standard), but Polina was able to make it interesting and difficult and solve it at the end. Quality of data gathering and description. Quality of selecting research tools and methods; data validity adequacy; adequacy of used data for chosen research tools and methods; completeness and relevance of the list of references. Qualitative data from several companies was gathered which is, by definition, is not the easiest task. The quality of the data, its description and analysis is good. Scientific aspect of the thesis. Independent scientific thinking in solving the set problem/objectives; the extent to which the student contributed to selecting and justifying the research model (conceptual and/or quantitative), developing methodology/approach to set objectives. Methodology was explained well, the research questions settled and research goals were achieved. Practical/applied nature of research. Extent to which the theoretical background is related to the international or Russian managerial practice; development of applied recommendations; justification and interpretation of the empirical/applied results. It was difficult for Polina, but she was able to make the results of the research as practical as it possible. The conclusions should be interesting for practitioners. Quality of thesis layout. Layout fulfils the requirements of the Regulations for master thesis preparation and defence, correct layout of tables, figures, references. According to the requirements. Originality of the text. All sources of match identified by the Safe Assign system follow the allowed cases, the paper does not contain any elements of plagiarism. The thesis text is original and does not contain elements of plagiarism The Master thesis of Polina Yatsyshina meets the requirements for master thesis of Master in Management program thus the author of the thesis can be awarded the required degree. 06.06.2016 Associate Prof. Konstantin Krotov