Work Toropova M. L. "the Use of WRF model to drill down to micro-descriptions" of the ball is focused on the study of the assessments of the climate of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region with one of the world's best models of the atmosphere, usually used for numerical weather prediction developed by the National Meteorological service of the United States and distributed freely. To perform the work the student mastered the method of installation and operation of the model on the basis of the Resource center of SPbSU computing center, using Linux operating system and the Fortran programming language. She did a series of test experiments to find the optimal configuration of the model, made a few calculations on real data of the archive of the NMS of the USA, has received preliminary conclusions about the possibility of using the WRF model to obtain the meso-climatic data for a given geographic area. This is important theoretically, because at the moment there is no possibility to separate the observed characteristics of the mesoclimate on the characteristics of microclimate.the work has practical significance, since it opens the way to obtaining such estimates highly atmospheric characteristics that don't get directly from observations, but they are important for practical applications (e.g., back-trajectory shifts of atmospheric particles). The work is done completely independently, the author has demonstrated an excellent professional training, the ability to organize your time, hard work, perseverance and excellent ability. As supervisor, I ask the SEC to give Toropova M. L. recommendation for admission to graduate school. The results, after some refinement can be recommended for publication. I think that Marina Toropova L. deserves the qualification of "master of Hydrometeorology". Supervisor, Professor of climatology and environmental monitoring, D. G. n, Professor Rusin I. N.