THE CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT OF THE PREPAREDNESS OF THE AUTHOR'S FINAL WORK Requirements for training: Be able to correctly formulate and assign tasks (problems) of their activity during the execution of the thesis, to analyze, to diagnose causes of problems, determine their relevance - match. To establish priorities and methods of solution of assigned tasks (problems) - match. To be able to use, to handle and analyze modern scientific, statistical, analytical information - match. To own modern methods of analysis and interpretation of the received information, to evaluate their ability in solving problems (problems) - match. To be able to efficiently plan the execution of work, to determine the proper sequence and the volume of transactions and solutions in the implementation of the task - match. To be able to objectively evaluate the obtained results of calculation and computation - match. To be able to analyze the obtained results the interpretation of geographical and geoecological data - match. Know and apply methods of system analysis - mainly match. Be able to carry out interdisciplinary research - match. To be able to make informed and reliable conclusions from the work done - match. To be able to use the scientific literature professional orientation - match. To be able to use modern graphical, cartographic, computer and multimedia technologies in study - match. To be able to use mapping methods using GIS - mainly match. Advantages: Master's thesis Tatiannikov N.V. is independent research work, fulfilled within the professional activities.The considered topic is relevant in current environment of overtaking development of voluntary systems of environmental certification. As a result of the work there was developed Standard of milk products environmental LCA for the accredited eco-labeling in Russia and one has done public and professional assessment of it. This standard is of practical value: it will be used for the certification of products within the Voluntary system of environmental LCA certification of the products, works and services "Vitality Leaf". Also Master's thesis Tatiannikov N.V. making a positive contribution to the development of voluntary environmental certification systems in Russia. Disadvantages: Minor stylistic and punctuation errors. Conclusion: Master's thesis Tatiannikon N.V. is the relevant and practice-oriented research, fully complied with the requirements. Subject to successful protection must be rated "excellent".