Opinion of the academic adviser about the final outcome of the course work of the 6-year student Denis Lebedev A. on the theme: "Cardiorenal relationships in patients with metabolic syndrome" The author self-identified goals and objectives, wrote a literature review (sources 137), and created a database that contains information on the main clinical and laboratory data were examined 100 patients with cardiovascular disease. Among them, 40 patients had signs of metabolic syndrome and 46 – chronic kidney disease. It was performed a statistical analysis which revealed that the most pronounced dyslipidemia and calcification of heart valves was observed in patients with combination of metabolic syndrome and cardiorenal syndrome type 2. On this basis it was concluded that patients with combination of metabolic syndrome and cardiorenal syndrome type 2 in need of more aggressive cardiovascular and renal protection therapy for improving cardiovascular prognosis. According to the study there is an article. The study materials presented at the meeting of the student science siciety of the Department of faculty therapy and biomedical conference of young scientists of St. Petersburg state University and Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University. I allow work to protection. Professor of Department of Faculty therapy, M.D., DMedSci Rumyantsev A.Sh. 11 may 2016