Review of the final qualifying work of the student group 603 medical faculty of St. Petersburg State University Poyda Mikhail Dmitrievich theme: "Development of low-dose X-ray method of lung examination in patients with singular pulmonary nodule syndrome" by scientific adviser, PhD, associate professor of the course of radiology and radiotherapy of the Department of Oncology Kamyshanskaya IG Poyda Mikhail held a set of research material in the X-ray department FGBUZ Clinical Hospital № 122 of them. L.G.Sokolova FMBA Russia, and expert analysis of the quality of radiographs performed in St. Petersburg GBUZ City Mariinsky hospital. In the course of the previous experience of the work they were analyzed radiographic studies of the phantom thorax, including related to the optimization of patient dose. Graduate deeply penetrated into the radiographic study technology, familiar with the design of a variety of digital X-ray machines. He alone holds the fence study material in the form of X-ray of the chest phantom by performing them in different shooting modes, with different voltage X-ray tube, using all possible combinations of X-ray filters. He also spent their own calculation of the effective dose and the organ with the help of specialized software (PO) PCXMC 2.0, STUK, Helsinki, Finland. To assess the quality of visualization of round formations in the lungs prior to radiography graduate student attached to the phantom thorax natural and artificial simulators tumors. These X-ray images with the control group were collected in a database and invited the expert radiologists to image analysis. Expert evaluation of image quality was carried out using the software ViewDex. Graduate opportunities to learn and use the program, offered it for peer review of radiographs of the phantom to subsequently carry out the ROC-analysis of image quality. Preparation of the material to the ROC-analysis and the analysis itself numerous ROC-curves demanded by graduate a lot of time, dedication and hard work with which he coped. In the thesis work convincingly shows that the selected topical issue for optimizing doses screening X-ray examination of the chest. The clearly defined goal and four of the study, the solution of which the author clearly demonstrated in the results of the thesis and the conclusions. This study is a scientific novelty and practical significance in the development of low-dose and diagnostically significant modes of screening lung. In the research paper the author felt the knowledge and skills to use modern approaches in statistical treatment of results of research, which is clearly shown by numerous graphs and figures. Thesis written in the traditional form, consists of an introduction, main body, conclusions, conclusions, modern specialized bibliography. The author convincingly proved and offered low-dose X-ray examination of lungs mode for screening of lung cancer. This work meets the prescribed requirements of the St. Petersburg State University, is an independent work and can be presented to the official protection. Kamyshanskaya IG