Review of the Master’s Thesis of KUZNETSOVA Alexandra Andreevna The Problem of Translation of Informal Vocabulary And Slang in the Novel “Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer. The qualification research paper of KUZNETSOVA Alexandra Andreevna is dedicated to one of the present-day issues of contemporary translation studies and deals with the problem of preserving linguistic and cultural connotations when transferring non-formal and slang lexical units from English into Russian (based on the material of the novel “Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close” by Jonathan Safran Foer and its translation into Russian. In the course of the present study KUZNETSOVA Alexandra Andreevna identifies the characteristic features of slang and non-formal vocabulary and provides an in-depth analysis of its functions. Further, the paper considers the appropriate translation techniques. Each example is accompanied by an extensive linguistic and linguocultural commentary. The paper presents an innovative classification of functions and translation techniques of slang and informal vocabulary. While working on the topic, KUZNETSOVA Alexandra Andreevna demonstrated her academic approach, critical thinking, and true talent as a researcher. Submitted thesis represents an independent and completed research study and has been conducted on the basis of multiple and diverse sources and scientific publications. The author’s findings are logical, well-grounded and valid. The text of the research paper has been checked by the Blackboard SPbU electronic system to identify matches in the text. The research supervisor has studied the general nature of textual matches identified by the system and noted that most of them are correct quotations with the reference to the source (retelling of the quotation without inverted commas with the author's surname), numerical signs of the compositional structure (e.g. 3.2.1), titles of academic papers, names of scientists, expressions common in the academic language and terms. KUZNETSOVA Alexandra Andreevna’s final qualification paper complies with all standards for this type of work set by SPbU and deserves a positive evaluation. Candidate of Philology Assistant Professor, Department of English Philology and Translation Visharenko Svetlana Vladimirovna