Research Supervisor’s Review of the Qualification Research Paper of Ms Viktoria Nagel Specific Features of Translation of Legal Vocabulary from English into Russian (based on the novels by E.S.Gardner) The Qualification Research paper of Ms Nagel is dedicated to the problem of legal vocabulary translation based on the material of crime stories. Legal vocabulary often poses a special problem, due to differences in legal systems, and definitely deserves special attention, both from the point of view of linguistics and practice. An interesting feature of the paper is that it is based on three versions of the same novel, the distance between which is about thirty years, which allows Ms Nagel to make comparisons and draw conclusions in terms of translation training. In Chapter 1 Ms Nagel analyses the concept of term and terminology, specific features of English and Russian legal terminology, the difference between the two legal systems – the case law and the common law. Part of Chapter 1 is dedicated to translation equivalence, correspondences and transformations. The student provides a comprehensive analysis of the Russian and foreign-language sources, demonstrating critical abilities and independence of thought. In Chapter 2 Ms Nagel analyses types of translation of legal terms: full correspondences, partial correspondences and gaps. Ms Nagel managed to find definitely representative material and draw independent conclusions. The student’s use of research skills in terms of legal concepts and comparative law deserves special credit. The text of the research paper has been checked by the Blackboard SPbU electronic system to identify matches in the text. The research supervisor has studied the general nature of textual matches identified by the system and noted that most of them are correct quotations with the reference to the source (retelling of the quotation without inverted commas with the author's surname), numerical signs of the compositional structure (e.g. 3.2.1), titles of academic papers, names of scientists, expressions common in the academic language and terms. The Qualification Research Paper by Ms Nagel complies with the requirements set by SPbU to qualification research papers and deserves most positive evaluation. Research Supervisor Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor Elena Pavlenko