REFERENCE on the Thesis prepared by 2nd year student of St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management Student: Safarova Sabrina Rahibovna Topic: FORMATION OF SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAINS IN RUSSIAN FMCG SECTOR 38.04.02 “Management” Master program Student manifestation of autonomy and initiative when working on the Thesis: X The student has shown initiative in the formulation of the managerial problem, goal and objectives of the Thesis The intensity of interaction with the supervisor: X Continuous interaction Respecting the schedule of the Thesis workflow: X Fully compliant Timeliness of the final submission of the Thesis to the supervisor: X Three days or more before the deadline for the Thesis submission The degree of achievement of the Thesis goal: X Fully achieved Compliance of the Thesis content with the requirements: X Fully compliant Compliance of the Thesis layout with the requirements: X Fully compliant Special Comments: — General Conclusion: The work by student Safarova Sabrina Rahibovna meets the requirements for Matser diploma thesis in the area of studies 38.04.02 “Management” Master program. Scientific Advisor: Asc. Prof. Yury E. Blagov Date: June 9, 2024