Review by the supervisor, Prof. Pavlovskaya I.Yu., Doctor of Philology, of the Bachelor's thesis by Tan Chutun on the topic "Phonosemantics of a modern English-language poetic text" The final qualifying work of the bachelor Tan Chutong submitted for defense is an independent original research (the percentage of uniqueness is more than 90%). As the author quite rightly notes, the relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the phonosemantics of modern English-language poetic text opens up new horizons in understanding the creative potential of language and its sound capabilities. In this context, the study of phonosemantics becomes an important element of the analysis and interpretation of modern poetry. The topic corresponds to the basic educational program "English language and Literature". The following research tasks are considered and solved in the work: 1) the fundamentals of phonosemantics as a science are analyzed; 2) phonosemantic and phonostylistic techniques that can be used in poetry are described; 3) a corpus of examples from 12 modern English-speaking authors Ted Hughes, Dylan Thomas, Michael Roberts, Richard Eberhart, Keith Douglas, Arthur Seymour, John Tessimond is collected; 4) a classification of examples of phonosemantic means based on the material of poems by these modern English-speaking poets is carried out. The B.A. paper contains 56 pages and consists of an introduction, two chapters with conclusions for each of them, a conclusion and a list of references, numbering 39 titles of scientific works in Russian and English and 12 sources of poetic texts. In Chapter 1, "The theory of phonosemantics and methods of its research", the author relies on the traditional methodological base for phonosemantic research, consisting of the works of I.P. Arnold, S.V. Voronin, C. Osgood, A.P. Zhuravlev, I.Y. Pavlovskaya, S.S. Shlyakhova, M. Grammont, S. Newman, M. Magnus, D. Bolonger, etc. On the other hand, names not so often mentioned appear in the literary review, whose works have been published over the past 10 years, such as Barysheva, Maslikhina and Sedina, Casas-Tost, Dingemanse, so that the review part of the WRC, and not only the practical one, has a certain degree of novelty. Phonosemantic and phonostylistic means have been analyzed very carefully, from different points of view and in different classifications. As a result of this analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that the word, being a key instrument of poetry, has phonetic and semantic integrity, which makes it the main element of artistic speech. In Chapter 2, "Analysis of the phonosemantics of modern English poetry» the author proceeds to the analysis of sound–imaginative means in poetry of the XX - early XXI century. The selection of authors was made independently and successfully, since the heyday of English poetry was the 20th century, and the analysis covers the period starting with the work of Ted Hughes and Dylan Thomas (the second half of the 20th century) and ending with Kate Douglas, who was born at the turn of the century. Although their work is very diverse in style, they all use very intensively phonosemantic and phonostylistic techniques, such as alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, epiphora and anaphora to convey their thoughts and feelings to the reader and create appropriate images, as the author shows in his research. The content of the paper is presented logically, in good scientific language, with a small number of violations of the norms of the Russian language and typos. It reads with great interest, although sometimes there is not enough historical and literary reference on the work of poets. The chapter conclusions and resume reflect the main content of the B.A. paper and show the results of the tasks set out in the Introduction. Tan Chutong's work meets all the requirements for the Bachelor's thesis at St. Petersburg State University, including its design. I think that the B.A. paper can be admitted to the defense and deserves the highest assessment. The bachelor may be recommended to continue her study on a M.A. Programme. 05/24/2024 Scientific supervisor, Ph.D., Professor I.Y. Pavlovskaya