REVIEW on the final work of the student of St. Petersburg State University Krylova Daria Vladimirovna on the topic "The influence of Indigenous languages ​​on the Spanish language of Central America" The final work of Daria Vladimirovna Krylova is the result of the development of the topic of scientific research, which the author began as part of her coursework. Interested in the influence of Indigenous languages ​​on Latin American varieties of Spanish, Daria Vladimirovna studied the case of Mexico for a year, and then made the countries of Central America the area of ​​her scientific interests, which cannot but cause approval due to the relevance of the topic and some condescension observed in the socio-political discourse of our time in relation to these countries. It is worth remembering that Central America is not just a crisis region that supplies a huge number of illegal migrants to the United States, but also the birthplace of the greatest writers who defined the appearance of the Spanish literary language of the 20th century - Nicaraguan Ruben Darío and Guatemalan Miguel Ángel Asturias, not to mention lesser-known, but also major figures in Spanish-language poetry and prose (for example, Roque Dalton or Sergio Ramírez). And the formation of their style was determined, in particular, by the presence of Indigenous languages. Daria Krylova's research consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The first analyzes the language situation in four Central American countries (Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras) from the point of view of the grammatical and lexical influence of the local Indigenous substrate and the possible influence of other autochthonous languages ​​of America, based on the research of prominent linguists who have studied this issue. Thus, the theoretical basis for the second chapter has been prepared, which is an interesting, well-presented and convincing analysis of indigenisms in the literary texts of the respective countries. This is truly painstaking work, almost excessive for the level of a final qualifying work: to carefully analyze four rather voluminous works of different genres, at least one of which (the novel by Guatemalan L. de Lion "Time Begins in Xibalba") is distinguished by a deliberately hermetic narrative. As a scientific supervisor, I can say that Daria Krylova is a serious and independent young scientist, receptive to criticism. The result of the plagiarism check evaluates the text of the final qualifying work as original by 92.4%, the identified matches are due to citations of sources cited in the bibliography. The work meets the existing requirements. Scientific supervisor Daria Igorevna Sinitsyna, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Romance Philology