During last decades cosmology from half-imaginary scince performed to exact one based on the observational data. In [particular, the great role of some substance (about 70 % on mass) was revealed. Firtsly it was called vacuum but now it is common to call it the dark energy (DE) on the analogy with the second on mass component - the dark matter (DM). The nature of these dark components of Universe is widely discussed but remains unknown. Nevertheles their actions at the cosmological scale are quite definite: DM creates attraction and SE - pushing off. The Standard cosmological model is called Lambda CDM, where Lambda is connected with DE and CDM - with cold DM. The barion component contributes less than 5 % and is included to DM. The rest component (radiation and neutrino) are neglected because their part is approximately 0.01 %. The attempts are performed to find how the existance of DE is displayed on smaller scales. All probes to find them in the Solar system did not given results since the its mass density (about 10^{-29} g/cm^3) ia too small. The needed scales of distances must be of order Megaparsecs. In the diplom work the local Newton attractive force decreasing as the square of distance and cosmological force of DE which grows with distance are considered. At fisrt the distance on which the two forces became equal: from \1.3 to 1.4 Mpc. This just is a size of the Local galactic cluster. Then with the observed dependences "radial velocity-distance" on the three scales the values of DE density is determined and with them the values of the Hubble constant. All values these local constants are close to global cosmological value. Thus in the results of the work proves that cosmological expansion which supposes that cosmological principle ("all distributions in the Universe are homogeneous and isotropic") is fulfiled begins from the distances where distribution of galaxies has not this property. This was the problem of the work and the student solved it. But in the work there are some defects. Not mension the comas and other insignificant errors let us note two essencial defects. First, the estimations of errors in determined values are not made (only errors of observations are mensioned). Second, the cosmological repulsion is taken in attention but cosmological attraction is not. This distorts the obtained estimations. Though these distortions are not large (20 % in the value of density and 10 % in the values of constant) the omission of DM has a principal importance. As a result I think that trhe work can be estimated as good. Doctor of phys.-math. sci., prof. D.I.Nagirner 20.05.2016