FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION SAINT-PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY REVIEW of the academic supervisor on the graduate qualification work of Novikov Maxim Alexandrovich (surname, first name, patronymic) Head of the graduate qualification work: Professor Borisov Nikolay Valentinovich (surname, first name, patronymic) Topic of the graduate qualification work «Creation of the video installation "Dark Paintings by Francisco Goya"» Contents of the work The work of M.A. Novikov is aimed at the use of multimedia technologies in the creation of the video installation "Dark Paintings by Francisco Goya". The relevance of the work is determined by the wide use of multimedia technologies in exhibition activities. Novikov M.A.'s work is aimed at creating a video installation that can enhance the effect of perception of Francisco Goya's "Gloomy Paintings". The text of Novikov M.A.'s final qualifying work contains: an abstract, an introduction, four sections, conclusions and a list of sources used. The text of the final qualifying work consistently describes the process of preparing a video installation. In the first section, the choice of the topic of the final qualifying work and the genre of the project is justified. The special character of the "Gloomy Paintings" painted during F. Goya's illness on the walls of the "House of the Deaf" by the hermit artist, disappointed in the world and people, is noted. This determines their special emotional tension. The task of the video installation is to enhance the feelings of tragedy that arise when viewing these paintings. The second section discusses the features of video installation as a form of contemporary art. Examples of the use of video installations in exhibition practice are considered. The third section discusses the plan to create a video installation dedicated to the "Dark Paintings" of Francisco Goya. The possibilities provided by the video installation genre are analyzed and the choice of expressive means used in the implementation of the project is justified. The fourth section describes the process of creating visual video installation material: editing video images, creating a projected image in the Blender program. The fifth section describes the process of creating audio accompaniment for a video installation, emphasizes the importance of spatial sound for creating an emotionally tense state of the viewer when viewing "Dark Pictures" by Francisco Goya. The sixth section analyzes the process of creating an informational video dedicated to the work of Francisco Goya during the period of writing his "gloomy paintings". The choice of the theme of the video, the preparation of materials, editing, recording of the narrator's text is described. M.A. Novikov prepared and recorded the original dictation text. Conclusions The result of M.A. Novikov's final qualifying work is a description of the process of creating a video installation dedicated to the " Dark Paintings" of Francisco Goya and an informational video dedicated to his work. The disadvantages include the limited set of multimedia technologies used in the creation of the information video, as well as the lack of a video presentation of the developed video installation. Novikov M.A. showed independence in choosing the topic of the final qualification work and in working on it. In the process of completing the final qualification work, Maxim Alexandrovich Novikov proved himself to be a trained specialist in the field of applied computer science, capable of solving creative tasks using multimedia technologies., Head of the graduate qualification work Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Borisov Nikolay Valentinovich (surname, first name, patronymic) Signature_________________________________ “__23___” ______May___________ 2024 г.