FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION SAINT-PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY REVIEW of the academic supervisor on the graduate qualification work of Kodich Mika Sergeevna (surname, first name, patronymic) Head of the graduate qualification work: Professor Borisov Nikolay Valentinovich (surname, first name, patronymic) The topic of the final qualifying work “Multimedia technologies for creating a complex of promotional videos "Places of culture of Japan in St. Petersburg" “ Content The purpose of the work of M.S. Kodich is to study the use of multimedia technologies in the creation of a set of promotional videos "Places of culture of Japan in St. Petersburg" . The relevance of the work is related to the need to explore the possibilities of using multimedia technologies and artificial intelligence technology to increase the information content and attractiveness of video materials that promote intercultural exchange between Russia and Japan. Places of Japanese culture in St. Petersburg were chosen as material for presenting Russian-Japanese cultural ties. Based on the study of these materials, scripts for three promotional videos were prepared: - “Japanese Garden” of the Peter the Great Botanical Garden; - Japanese stone lantern in Primorsky Victory Park; - Japanese Garden “Hakusan no Seiryutei” Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg State University In the final qualifying work Kodic M.S. There are: an abstract, a list of terms, an introduction, three chapters, a list of sources and nine appendices. The three chapters of the final qualifying work describe in detail the process of preparing and producing promotional videos. The first chapter analyzes the concept of a promotional video and its features as a multimedia video product. The process of analyzing the themes of promotional videos is described and the choice of shooting objects is justified, the preparation of the script and shooting schedule is described. The second chapter describes the features of the process of filming video materials for three promotional videos. The third chapter describes in detail the post-production process: color correction of footage, editing, and the use of multimedia technologies. Of particular interest is the description of the experience of using artificial intelligence technologies in the post-production process for: - creating an animated video using the LeiaPix neural network; - dubbing a promotional video using the HeyGen neural network. The appendices contain a synopsis, narration text for promotional videos in Russian and English, and a synopsis for vertical videos. Graphic materials have been developed in this work: a screensaver for a set of promotional videos. The presentation in the text of the final qualifying work is consistent, systematic and detailed. The total volume of the text of the final qualifying work is 95 pages. The result of the work performed was a set of three promotional videos “Places of Japanese Culture in St. Petersburg” Practical significance of the final qualifying work results Promotional videos created as a result of completing this final qualifying work, being posted in the public domain on the Internet, will introduce the general public to the characteristic features of Japanese culture and will contribute to the development of Russian-Japanese cultural ties. Promotional videos can be used as additional educational material when studying the cultural history of St. Petersburg and Japan. The work does not contain significant shortcomings. However, the text of the final qualifying work lacks illustrations of significant episodes of video materials that could give a more complete picture of the work performed. Characteristics of the student’s work on the graduate work In the process of completing her final qualifying work, Mika Sergeevna Kodich showed herself to be a trained specialist, capable of combining creativity with overcoming technical problems of using multimedia technologies and artificial intelligence technologies in solving creative problems. In the process of work, she showed high demands on herself, responsibility, communication skills and high technical qualifications. Head of the graduate qualification work Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Borisov Nikolay Valentinovich (surname, first name, patronymic) Signature_________________________________ “__20___” ______May___________ 2024 г.