REVIEW scientific supervisor on the final qualifying work of a 4th year student of the main undergraduate educational program of St. Petersburg State University SV.5034.* “International Relations” in the direction of 41.03.05 International Relations Chen Siru on the topic: “Plan for the revival of rural areas” in the strategy of the PRC” 1. Assessing the quality of work: No. pp. Evaluation criteria (codes of tested competencies according to the curriculum) Assessment points: • excellent, A (5.0) • good, B (4.5) • good, C (4.0) • satisfactory, D (3.5) • satisfactory, E (3.0) • unsatisfactory, F (0.0) Comments on the assessment (required for those criteria for which there are comments) 1. Relevance of the issue (PKA-3, PKA-5, PKP-4) excellent, A (5.0) 2. Correctness of goal setting, interconnectedness of goals and objectives (PKA-2, PKA-3, PKA-5, PKA-6, PKP-4) excellent, A (5.0) 3. The degree of development of the source base and the quality of criticism of sources (PKA-4, PKA-7, PKA-8, PKP-5) excellent, A (5.0) 4. Completeness and variety of the list of used literature (PKA-2, PKA-7, PKA-8, PKP-4, PKP-5) excellent, A (5.0) 5. Compliance of research methods with the stated goal and objectives (PKA-8) (optional) excellent, A (5.0) 6. Compliance of the test results with the stated goal and objectives (PKA-3, PKA-5, PKA-6, PKP-4, PKP-5, PKP-6) excellent, A (5.0) 7. Text design quality (PKA-7, PKP-5, PKP-7) excellent, A (5.0) 8. Ответственность и основательность студента в период работы над ВКР (ПКП-5, ПКП-6) отлично, A (5.0) Следует отметить серьезное и ответственное отношение автора ВКР к ее написанию. Средняя оценка: отлично, A (5.0) 2. Заключение/рекомендации членам ГЭК: ВКР Чэнь Сыжу в целом соответствует предъявляемым требованиям и может быть допущена к защите. 3. Рекомендованная оценка (по системе ECTS): отлично, A (5.0) 28.05.2024 Доцент кафедры Мировой политики Ермолина М.А.