Review of the scientific supervisor, Prof., Pavlovskaya I.Yu, Doctor of Philology, of the Bachelor's thesis by Jiao Boyang on the topic "Rhythmic intonation tools in poetic texts in English, Chinese and Russian" The bachelor's thesis submitted for defense by Jiao Boyang is devoted to a topic that is difficult to disclose within the framework of the bachelor's degree program, since it requires a deep understanding of the material in the three areas: 1) rhythmic-intonation characteristics of three languages of different typological groups; 2) features of the construction of a poetic text and 3) possibilities of translating the meaning of a poetic work transmitted using rhythmic-intonation means from one of the studied languages to another. Within the competence of the graduating bachelor, the author has completely coped with the task. The topic corresponds to the main educational program "English language and literature". The relevance of the topic is due to the lack of such comparative studies of rhythmic and intonation means in English, Chinese and Russian, which allows us to identify the unique features of each of these languages, their influence on poetic creativity and the possibility of transmitting the content inherent in the author by means of another language. The B.A. paper contains 67 pages and consists of an introduction, two chapters with conclusions for each of them, a resume and a list of references, numbering 25 titles in Russian and English. The analysis of the features of metrical system, rhyme, rhythm and tones in three languages was carried out using the example of 7 poetic texts in English, 5 poetic texts in Russian and 5 poetic texts in Chinese. The content is presented logically, in good scientific language, does not contain gross violations of the norms of the Russian language, there are a small number of typos. The author has mastered a fairly large volume of scientific sources and analyzed them in accordance with the objectives of the study. The concept of size, rhythm in language is considered: a) in classical English poetry, rhymes and harmonious metrical schemes are widely used, emphasizing the sound of words and creating a certain rhythm; b) in classical Russian poetry, syllabic verse and syllabic rhyming can lead to a wealth of sounds and melody. Russian poetry carefully adheres to the rules of syllable, rhythm, and stress, introducing a variety of rhymes and auxiliary stops; c) the rhythmic means of Chinese classical poetry include a fixed number of syllables per line; a melodic pattern created by a tone system based on the principle of mirroring even and oblique tones in adjacent lines; intra-line and inter-line pauses; mandatory use of rhyme; lexical and graphic repetitions. When translating from Chinese, where a logographic writing system and alternating tones are used, into other languages, the translator must use various compensation techniques to transfer rhythmic intonation means. The work is interesting to read, the author knows literary terminology and competently describes the means of poetic speech. The chapter conclusions and resume reflect the main content of the B.A. paper and show the results of the tasks set out in the Introduction. Jiao Boyang's work meets all the requirements for the Bachelor's degree program at St. Petersburg State University, including its design. I believe that the B.A. paper can be admitted to the defense and deserves an Excellent grade (A). The student can be recommended to continue his studies at the Master's degree. Scientific supervisor, Ph.D., Professor I.Y. Pavlovskaya 24.05.2024.