Review The graduation thesis “Bangladeshi migration to the UK” written by O. Onoprienko is an independent research, which tackles a specific problem of the analysis of the Bangladeshi migration to the UK. The problem is solved in accordance with the graduation thesis author’s professional qualification as a graduate of the Saint-Petersburg State University’s Department of the Far East History, profile “The History of India and Bangladesh”. During the writing of the graduation thesis O. Onoprienko used sources and scientific literature in Russian, English and Bengali. O. Onoprienko has shown her ability to analyze sources and scientific literature touching upon the Bangladeshi migration to the UK, factual material, electronic sources information, statistics, demonstrated a good knowledge of the contemporary history, made necessary findings and conclusions. The content, scope and design of the work meet the requirements of the graduation thesis and, in my opinion, deserve an excellent mark. Research adviser Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor I. Kotin