The graduate qualification work of master's student Zhang Yibo is devoted to one of the most significant and relevant topics today, namely - the study and analysis of oral business communication in the system of speech genres and identification of its characteristic features. The author quite accurately notes that “the language of business communication becomes one of the main tools of communication in the economic and political sphere, as well as in the aspect of interpersonal communication... business communication is the basis of partnership relations in almost any sphere of human activity, it is also inextricably linked to the development of business around the world” (p.3). In this regard, in our opinion, the choice of the topic seems relevant and successful from the point of view of the modern format of development of international relations and business communication in Russian in general. It is also worth noting that the conducted research has undoubted practical value. The structure of the work corresponds to the tasks set in the research. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of used literature. The internal logic of the study is reflected in the structure of the work. The first chapter “Theoretical aspects of the study of oral business communication” considers oral business communication and its basic principles; genre nature and structural organization of oral business communication; describes the communicative functions of oral business communication on the example of briefings, press conferences and negotiations. It should be noted that the author has seriously studied the currently available theoretical literature on the issues of oral business communication. The scientific style of presentation of the material can be characterized as high. The second chapter “Language organization of oral business communication on the example of briefings and press conferences” is devoted to the description and analysis of linguistic features of oral business communication on the material of briefings and press conferences of leading political figures of the Russian Federation; syntactic features of oral business communication are analyzed; language standards and intercultural aspects of oral business communication on the example of briefings and press conferences are described. Among the undoubted merits of the work can be noted: clear structured, logical presentation of the material, analytical approach, scientifically justified choice of theoretical and practical research material, competent description and analysis of linguistic features of oral business communication on the material of briefings and press conferences, responsible approach to work in general. The work corresponds to the topic stated in the title, the goal has been achieved, the tasks set in the introduction have been accomplished. The work has undoubted relevance and novelty. Zhang Yibo's graduate qualification work meets the requirements for works of this kind, written in scientific language, its author deserves a high positive evaluation.