REVIEW OF THE SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISOR for the bachelor's thesis of a St. Petersburg State University student Aritkulov Daniil Nailevich on the topic “Development of IDE for a new programming language based on extended JSON” The content of the thesis completely matches to the topic of the work stated in the title. This topic is very extensive, so the work contains the beginning of its development, and, in my opinion, what the author has done is quite enough for an excellent mark. The text of the thesis is quite structured, and the structure of the thesis adequately reflects the solution to the assigned tasks. The work is of a clearly practical nature, fully reflecting current problems related to the topic of the work. Alas, literature in its traditional form (printed books) is quickly becoming outdated. The work uses modern advances in practice, such as auxiliary libraries that simplify the solution of the tasks. Due to the practical nature of the work, its result was a program compiled and tested by me. The positive aspects of the work include both a well-founded choice of the technologies used and the successful application of these technologies to solve practical problems posed in the work. As a disadvantage, we note the not always accurate translation of terms from English (very good functions as a translation of first-class functions) and into English (mark as a translation of the word label). The work is written in completely understandable Russian, which adequately reflects what is happening in the work. Considering all of the above, I think that the work as a whole deserves an excellent (A) rating. “_04_”__June___ 2024 _____________ __Lebedinsky D. M._ Signature Full name