Scientific Advisor Review on the graduate qualification work of a master student Pavel Pavlovich Vasilenkov, entitled “Emotive and evaluative characteristics of the English-language Internet news texts about oil and gas projects” The research conducted by Pavel Pavlovich Vasilenkov is a linguistic study of the categories of evaluation and emotivity, based on the Anglophone Internet news discourse. Pavel Pavlovich consistently and conscientiously analyses various approaches to the study of the specifics of mass media discourse, classification of evaluation and means of its linguistic representation, linguistic theory of emotions, reveals the emotive and evaluative parameters of news texts about oil and gas projects. Pavel Pavlovich uses an integrative approach to the analysis of the categories of evaluation and emotivity, successfully applies contemporary methods of interpretive, discursive and pragmatic analysis, which allows to say that his work is a profound and multidimensional research. As a result, the specific features of the linguistic representation of the studied categories at the discursive level were fully considered. Pavel Pavlovich undoubtedly possesses deep knowledge in the field of linguistics, he is able to work with theoretical sources, justify his position, has the ability to independently conduct a scientific research. The analysis procedure chosen by him allows to investigate comprehensively the means of linguistic representation of emotions and evaluation in news texts about oil and gas projects. The research has a coherent and complete character; the conclusions are logical and convincing. In the process of work Pavel Pavlovich showed a lot of initiative, was interested in the study. He has excellent knowledge of linguistic terminology, shows well-developed analytical abilities, which allow him to structure the analysed material, concentrate on the most essential aspects and obtain significant results. Pavel Pavlovich has carried out outstanding and accurate research, his findings are well-grounded and valid. Checking the work on the Blackboard platform revealed 1.75% of textual matches, which are fragments of the analysed English-language texts. It can be concluded that the work does not contain unauthorised borrowings. Submitted research study is independent and complete. The author, Vasilenkov Pavel Pavlovich, can be awarded a Master's degree in Linguistics. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor T.I. Petukhova