Review in the final qualifying work students of the Institute "Higher School of Journalism and Mass Media "St. Petersburg State University full-time undergraduate education in the direction of "Journalism" Kiryushkin Olga Dmitrievna "Modern trends in news journalism (for example, the First Channel of the materials and" Russia-24 ")"    Final qualifying work OD Kiryushkin devoted to the study of modern trends of Russian news journalism. The relevance of the topic chosen is not in doubt. As rightly noted author of the study, are extremely popular among the audience of television broadcasters, imposes a heavy responsibility for this type of media, and calls for regular and thorough analysis of the methods and forms of presentation of information, methods of illumination of certain resonance events. However, interest is also editorial practices that are used by broadcasters in different countries and regions of the world, under different political regimes and socio-cultural realities. Despite the rapid development of global television networks, the availability of generally accepted standards of journalistic work in television today, becomes more urgent question of the study of similarities and differences in the production of television content features different (public, commercial, global, regional, etc.) broadcasters. Research work consists of an introduction, two chapters, which are divided into five paragraphs, conclusion and bibliography. As the object of study were selected news program of the First Channel and the channel "Russia-24", the subject has become particularly information programs, which form the trend of news journalism. The structure of the final qualifying work is built logically and to the task. At the beginning of our review, we note that the Final qualifying work OD Kiryushkin produces enough good impression. Let us dwell on its merits. Attention is drawn to the theoretical part of the study, as well as the selection of sources on the basis of which the author reveals the stylistic and compositional features news programs, means of expression, used in the context of the news release. Noticeably the author's desire to explore different approaches to the definition of key terms, present the material logical and structured way, to apply theoretical principles to the empirical basis of the study. It should be noted that the work is devoted to the Russian news journalism, but, in the theoretical basis of the SRS can also detect foreign sources, which indicates the desire of Olga Dmitrievna get more information about the object being studied. The author also gives the historical background of the TV channels, the materials that formed the basis of empirical research. This allows the reader to not only make assumptions about current trends in the development of the Russian news journalism, but also to obtain contextual information about the development of the domestic broadcasting as a whole. The work is full of statistics that make the factual accuracy of the study. The obvious fact that the theoretical sources were indeed elaborated, as a result, the author's judgment quite logical and credible. It should be noted that the theoretical part of the study has an analytical, not descriptive. In the text the author refers to many reputable researchers and journalists, but is not limited to a simple quotation. During the analysis, the author asks questions, answering which opens up new aspects of the object. Also interesting examples that the author presents in the empirical part of the study, illustrating the features of the Russian news journalism. The second section of the paper introduces us with the specific information programs on the First Channel and TV channel "Russia-24". Turning to the practical part of the study, we would like to start by saying that the author has studied 15 news releases published on each of the channels studied during the period from 1 February to 31 March 2016. The author studied the classroom performance of two television broadcasters, as well as analyzed the content of news programs, using as the main criteria for analyzing the format of the news program, features of the material and figurative-expressive means of the plot. For clarity, the author makes a few examples taken from specific news releases. The findings presented in the conclusion, substantiated and credible. At the same time, the genre requires a review of comments to the final qualifying work. These include the following. Firstly, I would like to point out some flaws in the construction of the composite structure of administration. In particular, there are no compositional elements such as the theoretical basis (instead, there is a paragraph devoted to the scientists and researchers who have shown interest in the designated research topic), and empirical base (in this section referred to as the object of study). In our opinion, it would be appropriate to differentiate the concepts and designated as the object of the Russian news journalism, while, as the empirical material would perform the work listed in the news programs. I would like to see a more clear and precise structure of administration. Secondly, the alleged chronological framework (from 1 February to 31 March 2016) seemed to us quite compressed. In our opinion, the identification of certain trends involves the study of a longer time period, including in the field of television journalism. Third, as noted above, we would like to see a more pronounced features of the comparison of the two news programs of television broadcasters under study. Perhaps it would make sense to use the method of comparative analysis of the content of two news programs. In the introduction, the author stated as one of the methods used - the comparison, with the results of comparing the features of news content presented several issues succinctly and exclusively in custody. Fourth, in the conclusion, the author points to a single current trends in the Russian news journalism (this infotainment). Does it mean that other trends have not been found? With this statement more difficult to accept, because the news journalism seems to be more complex and diverse direction. The last remark is related to design work. The report contains a large amount of illustrative material in the form of pictures, screenshots, logos. This information, of course, enrich the work, but, in our opinion, should be to place part of the illustrative materials in the appendix. The comments it does not reduce the overall level of performance worthy and have a more advisory in nature. In conclusion, we can say that the graduation qualification work Kiryushkin OD is a complete study has practical value and meets the requirements for this kind of work requirements, which allows us to recommend the state certification committee to evaluate it positively. ES Georgieva, cand. watered. Sciences, Art. teacher