Noted merits of the work: The work of Bessonova A.M. is devoted to assessing the state of environmental components on the territory of a natural reserve subject to significant anthropogenic impact. The Yalta mountain-forest nature reserve was chosen as the object of study. This reserve is adjacent to one of the largest tourist centers of the Republic of Crimea, the city of Yalta, penetrated and saturated with infrastructure facilities (roads, settlements, sanatoriums), in addition, it has several ecological trails. This causes a potentially high anthropogenic load on natural complexes, which means that it requires careful monitoring of the state of the components of the natural environment and the very definition of an acceptable level of load. The purpose of the work was to assess the state of the components of the natural environment, identify the type and degree of anthropogenic impact, develop measures aimed at preserving natural complexes. To solve the task, Anna Bessonova conducted a field trip, during which she assessed the state of natural territorial complexes, the number of recreants visiting ecological trails by various methods, took soil samples, and also prepared and analyzed samples. Analyzing the factual material, the author showed the level of anthropogenic impact on the components of the natural environment from various types of activities, the permissible limits were determined. The question was raised about the expediency of the status of “state natural reserve” and a change to “national park” was justifiably proposed. The results obtained were reported at four scientific conferences, and will be published in the near future (are at the stage of publication) in the form of abstracts. The work is written in a professional and understandable language with the involvement of a significant amount of modern domestic and foreign literature. Noted shortcomings: No deficiencies identified Conclusion: Final qualification work of Bessonova A.M. meets all the requirements for undergraduate work and certainly deserves the highest rating “EXCELLENT”