Noted merits of the work: The work of Pitlev R.A. devoted to the study of patterns of distribution of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the lake. Suuri (Leningrad region). The choice of the lake is due, among other things, to the fact that this lake is a model object for practices, it is located on the territory of the educational and scientific base "Priladozhskaya" of St. Petersburg State University. The state of bottom sediments is a good marker of the state of the components of the natural environment of the entire catchment area, including the degree of anthropogenic influence. From the point of view of studying the influence of man on the environment, the study of the section of bottom sediments provides information on changes in the rate of migration and accumulation of pollutants. Therefore, the topic of the work is quite important and relevant. Roman participated in all stages of work: sampling, sample preparation, analysis. Roman described and interpreted the data at a high level, gave a general assessment of the regularities in the distribution of heavy metals in bottom sediments, and identified the main sources of pollution. The goals and objectives set for Roman have been fully achieved. Conclusion: Final qualifying work Pitlev R.A. meets all the requirements for bachelor's theses, and certainly deserves the highest rating "EXCELLENT"