Advantages: The main advantage of reviewed work is its comprehensive nature – the author has shown skills of field work in difficult conditions and of full cycle cameral works with research component. Proposed methods are innovative, solved problems are very relevant to modern humanity challenges. Disadvantages: Research of the author in assessing the accuracy of the proposed method are presented controversial and require further research. Conclusion: Graduation work, presented by Volgusheva Natalia Eduardovna dedicated to the development of methods for determining the dynamics of the volume of the glacier according to aerial photography from UAVs with the use of GIS technologies. The study covers the full cycle of required research – from field work on the glacier up to processing, interpretation and evaluation of accuracy of the obtained data. The necessity of finding new approaches to glaciological research is not only in economic aspect, but also in safety factor, because traditional field surveys of major glaciers are extremely dangerous, and some areas of glaciers are inaccessible to scientists. Considering the rapid development of unmanned aerial vehicles in recent years, the task was to carry out calculation of volume changes of the glacier during the ablation season in such methods. Having made the necessary observations with UAVs in expedition to the Mongolian Altai, the author presented recommendations for conducting similar activities in hard weather conditions taking into account the existing hardware. After that, full range of office research on photogrammetry and geoinformation processing was done, with obtaining both volume of loss and of accumulated material with a number of additional indicators that are useful for future glaciological research Natalia Eduardovna demonstrated the ability to independently solve a variety of tasks, from engineering to scientific research, at a high professional level. Besides, the work can be interesting for the international scientific community, couse of suck kind of results were obtained for the first time. Of course, Natalia Eduardovna worthy of qualification bachelor degree with a recommendation of "excellent" score.