Review on the Master’s Thesis of Galiia Khudaigulova "Numerical simulation of nonequilibrium air flows in nozzles" The main problem of the work was to create a program code for modeling the flow of a reacting air mixture in the expanding part of the nozzle. Interest in this topic is associated with the possibility of validation of kinetic processes models using experimental data from various sources. To describe the kinetics of processes under conditions of deviation from thermal and chemical equilibrium, a hybrid multi-temperature approach was chosen, this method combines computational efficiency and the possibility of a detailed description of processes. As a result of the work, a code was prepared and tested, a comparison with experimental data was made for nozzles of various configurations, as well as with the results of numerical simulations by other authors. Thus, the problems assigned to Galiia Khudaigulova were completed. In the process of working on the Thesis, Galiia showed the ability to work independently and the ability to work with scientific literature (including in a foreign language). However, a number of shortcomings and inaccuracies remained in the work. I think that the work deserves a mark "good".