Review of the final qualifying work of the Master of Linguistics Zhao Linlin on the topic «The specifics of the functioning of introductory words and expressions with the meaning of reliability in the modern scientific style of speech (based on articles included in the RSCI database)» This work by Zhao Linlin is devoted to the study of the functioning of introductory words and expressions in scientific texts. The master's student limits his research to the genre of a scientific article in the field of humanities. The work performed by Zhao Linlin is an actual study, since, despite the large number of scientific papers devoted to this topic, it needs further research, since the modern scientific style is changing under the influence of communicative models of English-language scientific discourse. The object of the undergraduate's research is introductory words and expressions with the meaning of reliability. The author examines and analyzes the semantics and functioning of these units in a large number of contexts. According to the protocol of the analysis of the plagiarism check, the percentage of original fragments and correct citation was revealed (88.97%), and textual correspondences (11.03%) were found, which consist of commonly used constructions of scientific style of speech, cliches, dictionary names and scientific articles. The analysis confirmed the hypothesis put forward by the author that the analysis of the semantics of the choice of linguistic means of transmission of authenticity will determine the specifics of the functioning of introductory words and expressions in the structure of the speech genre "scientific article". The work is written logically and convincingly. The author fully owns the scientific style of presentation. As a result of the conducted research, the applicant comes to the conclusion that introductory words in a scientific article perform the function of hypothetical reliability, proof and persuasion. The author also revealed the relationship between the semantics of introductory words and their use in various compositional and typical blocks of text. The practical significance of the work is that the results of the research can be used in lecture courses on syntax and stylistics and in the practice of teaching RCT. The results of the study can also be taken into account when studying the functioning of introductory words and expressions with the knowledge of reliability in scientific texts of other genres. The preparation of the final qualifying essay required Zhao Linlin to get acquainted with a large number of scientific studies on the topic in order to develop a theoretical basis for research. The research part of the dissertation and the conclusions made by the applicant are generally convincing and logical. Zhao Linlin fulfilled all the requirements of the supervisor on time, in accordance with the work writing plan. The completed qualification work meets all the requirements for works of this level, and deserves a positive assessment. Scientific supervisor - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Russian as a Foreign Language and Methodology at St. Petersburg State University N. A. Kostyuk