REVIEW in the graduate qualification work of bachelor Kalaturskaya Ella Vladimirovna “Diode system with the thin field emitter modelling in cylindrical coordinates” The graduate qualification work is devoted to the modelling of cylindrical diode with an infinitely thin field emitter. There are practically no papers on analytical method of calculation of such systems in the literature. Kalaturskaya E.V. has found an analytical solution of the boundary value problem for the distribution of the electrostatic potential in the cylindrical coordinate system. In this case, the potential distribution function finding is reduced to solving a system of linear algebraic equations for the unknown coefficients in the expansion in eigenfunctions. In addition, Kalaturskaya E.V. has written a program in C++ in Microsoft Visual Studio programming environment and has presented the potential distribution plots for two auxiliary problems, confirming the adequacy of the proposed mathematical model of the investigated diode system. In this work, there are some typos, but in general, the work of Kalaturskaya E.V. is performed at high mathematical level. I believe that the work meets all the requirements of the graduate qualification work of the bachelor, and deserves an "excellent". Reviewer, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department Contr. Syst. Th. Electrophys. Rubtsova I.D.