Review of on the final qualifying work of a 4th year student Glukhikh Darya Nikolaevna "Persuasive communication in the policy of forming collective memory" The topic of the work is relevant. In theoretical terms, the problem of persuasive communication in the politics of memory is underdeveloped and requires a detailed analysis. In practical terms, the maintenance of the system of traditional values and the actualization of political socialization in the conditions of a hybrid war against Russia requires the clarification of the mechanisms of persuasive communication and their use in the real politics of memory. The final qualifying work has a certain logic and consistently sets out (in some cases very concisely) the main theoretical issues of the politics of memory and persuasive communication. This is the subject of the first and partially the second chapters of the work. The author summarized the available approaches and provisions. Part of the second chapter deals with the description of various technologies of persuasive communication in the politics of memory, which positively or negatively affect its content. With regard to Russia, interesting concrete material is collected here and estimates of the methods used are given. The work is an independent composition (more than 90% of originality together with citation). Methodologically, the work is based on the accepted concept of communication and persuasive communication. The student worked well, diligently and with great interest. She constantly consulted with the supervisor. In the process of writing the work, she acquired the necessary competencies and knowledge. The work was written independently with a good attempt to analyze the empirical material. The final qualifying work of Darya Nikolaevna Glukhikh meets all the necessary requirements and deserves a high positive assessment. Scientific adviser: Doctor of Philosophy, Prof., Head of the Department of Political Governance Faculty of Political Science, St. Petersburg State University L.V. Smorgunov