Review of the supervisor on the graduate qualification work of a fourth-year undergraduate student "The system of social trust as a form of state control in the era of digitalization" by Petrov Dmitry Alexandrovich Petrov Dmitriy Aleksandrovich's graduate qualification work is devoted to the topical and important topic of formation of the social rating system at the state level. Today this system is implemented only in China, but its elements at the level of bank scoring are present also in developed democracies. The main purpose of the student's work is to identify the features of the social trust system as a form of state control in the era of digitalization on the example of the PRC. The construction of the social rating system is directly related to the formation of trust and the implementation of state control, which intrudes into the life world of the individual. The logic of the work involves moving from the theoretical and methodological foundations of the research to the consideration of a specific case study on the example of China in the context of the specifics of Confucianism as the basis of Asian culture in the Far East. In the first paragraph of the first chapter the student conducts a thorough analysis of trust formation from the point of view of economic and sociological neo-institutionalism, considering the works of different representatives of these directions. The student also raises the problem of the legitimacy of power in his analysis of social trust. In the second paragraph of the first chapter the student concludes that although state control violates the personal space of individuals and is undesirable, in their opinion, it has a point of intersection with social trust in the mutual desire of the authorities and the population to have social order and stability. The third paragraph of the first chapter deals with the problem of trust and state control in the context of digitalization. The student analyzes the role of the Internet in the communication processes that take place between society and the state. He notes that a new generation has grown up - Generation Z, which does not distinguish between online and offline communication, so the use of information and communication technologies for the state is a priority for the management of modern society. The activities of government in the digital environment are characterized by the use of algorithmic management, big data and e-government, as discussed in this paragraph. The Internet and social media provide the basis for trusted communication in view of the horizontalization of relations and the creation of a common communication space. Chapter 2 is devoted to the applied aspects of creating a system of social trust. In the first paragraph of the second chapter the student analyzes the existing scoring systems in the banking sphere of developed democracies and Russia. The next paragraph analyzes Confucianism as the basis of culture in the Far East, which made it possible to implement a system of social trust in China. The last paragraph of the graduation thesis is devoted to the implementation of social trust system in China, which means "the system of state encouragement and punishment of every person (physical and legal), using big data tools for implementation". The student examines the evolution of the implementation of social rating in this country, taking into account the decisions of the CPC, the formation of the regulatory framework, the use of ICT. The author also conducts a comparative analysis of the established social trust system in China with the scoring systems used in the United States, Japan and Germany. When analyzing the social rating system in the PRC, the concept of a digital profile of a citizen is introduced, which includes information on gender, age, place of residence, credit history, red and black lists. This system has been implemented with varying success in individual provinces of the PRC, so at the end of the paragraph the student draws conclusions about the weaknesses and strengths of this system and its perception by the population of the country. In conclusion, the student concludes that the system of social control through the digital environment is becoming the dominant form of social control in society, which is expressed in the possibility of sanctions for actions on the Web by the relevant government agencies, the digitalization of some government control agencies, the development of digital information platforms, the change of the legal framework in accordance with the requirements of the digital society. Thus, the graduate qualification work of Petrov D.A. is a completed scientific research, reflecting the student's interest in the issue. It should be noted the independence of the student, thoroughness and volume of the completed work. The shortcomings of the work include extrapolation of Chinese experience to other countries. Perhaps the system of social rating will spread globally, but it needs time and willingness to perceive total state control and digital profiles of the population in other countries. In general, the work has taken place and deserves a positive assessment. PhD of Social Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Political governance at SPbSU O.A. Ignatjeva 28.05.2023