REVIEW for the final qualifying work of a bachelor of linguistics Zhang Yao «Phraseological units of the Russian language with the component zoonym (against the background of the Chinese language)» The graduation thesis of Bachelor of Linguistics Zhang Yao is devoted to the semantics and features of phraseological units with zoonym components "mouse", "rat" and "bull", "cow" in Russian against the background of Chinese. Zhang Yao in his work also considers the issue of the national-cultural connotation of these zoonyms. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references, which includes 50 titles. In the introduction, Zhang Yao defines the relevance, goals and objectives of the study. The object of the study is phraseological units with a zoonym component. The subject of the study is the features of their semantics and functioning. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the results of the study can be used in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The work under review has been checked for plagiarism. As a result of the analysis, the share of text matches (26.61%) was revealed, of which 11.36% are the names of monographs, articles, authors' names, citations from scientific papers on the topic of the qualifying work and quotations from dictionaries with correctly formatted references to sources. Original fragments make up 73.39%. As a result of the study, Zhang Yao selected phraseological units with zoonyms «mouse», «rat» and «bull», «cow» in Russian and Chinese from modern phraseological dictionaries, presented their various classifications (semantic, stylistic, structural-grammatical), and also classified phraseological units by topic. In addition, the author described and demonstrated in the study the significance of the national and cultural connotations of these zoonyms in Russian culture against the background of Chinese ones. However, the work is poorly written, in many places illogical. Zhang Yao did not demonstrate the ability to summarize the material and draw conclusions. Linguistic analysis is partially replaced by literary criticism. At the end of the dissertation, instead of conclusions, the arguments from the research chapter are repeated. The work also has some shortcomings of the “technical plan” (repetitions, negligence in the style of presentation, typos). Despite the noted shortcomings, the work meets the requirements for the final qualifying work of a bachelor of linguistics and deserves a positive assessment. Scientific adviser Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Russian as a foreign language and its methods teaching at St. Petersburg State University N.A. Kostyuk