Natalya Sedeleva proved herself as a motivated, hard-working, independent and thoughtful researcher. She demonstrated the free orientation in the subject, fluency in the conceptual apparatus and the ability to grasp the smallest nuances and details. This had a positive effect on the content of the thesis paper. I know this student for four years. She's interested in journalism of New Zeland, that’s why the subject of his thesis is the media of Maori in modern time. She also worked as a journalist in few media. During her studies, Natalya actively participated in social and scientific life of university. She participated in several international forums and conferences, wrote few articles. In addition, we will highlight her ability to work with sources, apply the obtained theoretical knowledge in the process of empirical research, receptivity to new information. Natalya managed to compile all the work, to invest in diploma study her own knowledge and understanding of the subject, to solve tasks, to reach the specified objectives. Of course, it is impossible not to note the good discipline of the student. She provided everything in time. In addition, Natalya Sedeleva effectively and most importantly quickly respond to the comments and recommendations of the supervisor and experts, which explains quite balanced, interesting and relevant research. Supervisor: PhD, associate professor Bekurov Ruslan