REVIEW supervisor on the final qualifying work of a 2nd year student of the main educational program of the master's program at St Petersburg University in the direction 41.04.05 International relations GATSUN DARIA on the topic: “Global Road Safety: A Framework for International Cooperation” 1. Оценка качества работы: № п. п. Критерии оценки (коды проверяемых компетенций согласно учебному плану) Баллы оценки: • отлично, A (5.0) • хорошо, B (4.5) • хорошо, C (4.0) • удовлетворительно, D (3.5) • удовлетворительно, E (3.0) • неудовлетворительно, F (0.0) Комментарии к оценке (обязательны для тех критериев, по которым есть замечания) 1. Relevance of the issue (OPK-4, PKA-5) 5 (А) 2. Scientific novelty (OPK-4, PKA-2, PKA-3, PKA-5, PKA-6, PKP-9, UK-6) 5 (А) 3. Correctness of goal setting, interconnectedness of goals and objectives (OPK-4, PKA-2, PKA-5, PKA-6, PKA-10, PKP-9) 5 (А) 4. The degree of development of the source base and the quality of criticism of sources (PKA-2, PKA-7, PKP-4) 5 (А) 5. Completeness and variety of the list of references (PKA-2, PKA-7) 5 (А) 6. Compliance of research methods with the goal and objectives (PKA-2, PKA-8, PKA-10) 5 (А) 7. Compliance of WRC results with the set goal and objectives (OPK-7, PKA-2, PKA-3, PKA-5, PKA-6, PKP-4, PKP-9) 5 (А) 8. Text quality 5 (А) 9. Responsibility and solidity of the student during the period of work on the WRC (GPC-7, UK-6) 5 (A) It should be noted the high degree of independence and creative approach of the graduate Gatsun D.A. to writing WRC. Abstracts on key aspects of the dissertation were presented at an international conference in December 2022 in English. Average score: 5 (A) 3. Recommended grade (ECTS): excellent (A). Associate Professor of the Department of World Politics, Ph.D. in Law, associate professor M.A.Еrmolina May 30, 2023