Feedback from the supervisor for the final qualifying work of the bachelor in the direction 04.03.01 "Chemistry" Mikhnevich Vitaly Gennadievna "Biocompatible phosphorescent oxygen sensors based on iridium(III) complexes: synthesis and study of their properties" Mikhnevich Vitalia Gennadievna has been working in the Laboratory of Luminescent Complexes of Transition Metals of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry of St. Petersburg State University since 2019. Her interest in the subject of research and chemistry in general, diligence and perseverance made it possible to achieve the scientific results presented in this work, present these results in a qualitative manner in the form of a final qualifying work, and also successfully complete undergraduate studies in the direction of "Chemistry". In the course of work in the laboratory and the learning process, Mikhnevich V.G. mastered the methods of inorganic, organic and coordination synthesis, as well as such physicochemical methods for the analysis of compounds as one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and IR spectroscopy. She also mastered methods for studying the photophysical properties of the objects under study: electron absorption and excitation spectroscopy, luminescence spectroscopy, measurement of the lifetime of an excited state and the quantum yield of emission. In addition, Vitaly Gennadievna learned how to correctly interpret the results of these analysis methods and, on the basis of this, make adequate correlations in the composition-structure-property series. Final qualifying work Mikhnevich V.G. clearly structured, well-formed and contains all the necessary sections. In the introduction, the relevance of the topic is substantiated, the goals and objectives of the study are formulated. In the literature review, the author introduces the reader to the basics of luminescence, the importance of oximetry and its methods, summarizes data on the synthesis of iridium(III) phosphorescent complexes, their photophysical properties, and applications in bioimaging. Then comes the experimental part of the work. It contains data on the reagents used, equipment, research methods, synthesis procedures, as well as data from experimental methods of analysis. Next, the author discusses the results of the synthesis, characterization, and photophysical properties of the resulting iridium complexes. The diploma work is completed by the section "Conclusion", where the author summarized the main achievements of the work and the established correlations. Thus, Vitalia Gennadievna presented a well-prepared thesis for defense, in which she was able to clearly and fully reflect the current state of affairs and the relevance of the topic, as well as the results and conclusions of her experimental research in this area. The experimental results presented in the work were presented by Mikhnevich V.G. at a number of all-Russian and international conferences in the form of poster and oral presentations. Also, some of them were published in an article in the journal Molecules (Q1 quartile). It should also be noted that the work done is part of the research carried out within the framework of the RSF grant 18-73-10021, in which the author took part as a performer. Requirements for borrowing materials are met. Analysis of textual matches, conducted in the Blackboard system, revealed 15% of borrowings. A substantive examination showed that the coincidences are of a technical nature. In general, this thesis is a serious, detailed, complete and well-formed scientific research. I think that the completed qualifying work by Vitaly Gennadievna Mikhnevich deserves the grade "excellent" ("A" according to the ECTS system). Scientific supervisor Kritchenkov Ilya Sergeevich PhD of Chemical Sciences, May 26, 2023 Associate Professor, Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State University 198504, St. Petersburg, Peterhof, Universitetsky pr., 26 Phone +79818497846, e-mail: